Morning News Call - Canada, July 31
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0830 GDP mm for May: Expected 0.1%; Prior 0.3%
July 31:
Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (Ontario): Expected Q2 earnings of 92 cents per share
Alamos Gold Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 19 cents per share
Cameco Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 26 Canadian cents per share
Capital Power Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 56 Canadian cents per share
CGI Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of C$1.91 per share
Fortis Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 65 Canadian cents per share
GFL Environmental Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 30 Canadian cents per share
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 10 cents per share
Kinaxis Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 52 cents per share
Kinross Gold Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 13 cents per share
NFI Group Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 00 per share
Parkland Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 90 Canadian cents per share
Russel Metals Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 83 Canadian cents per share
SSR Mining Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 00 per share
TMX Group Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 42 Canadian cents per share
Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta): Expected Q2 earnings of 89 Canadian cents per share
Vermilion Energy Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 35 Canadian cents per share
August 1:
AltaGas Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 11 Canadian cents per share
Badger Infrastructure Solutions Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 49 cents per share
Bausch Health Companies Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 88 cents per share
BCE Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 78 Canadian cents per share
Canada Goose Holdings Inc: Expected Q1 loss of 80 Canadian cents per share
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 81 Canadian cents per share
Capstone Copper Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 4 cents per share
Cenovus Energy Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 67 Canadian cents per share
Centerra Gold Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 16 cents per share
Colliers International Group Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of $1.36 per share
Definity Financial Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 63 Canadian cents per share
Dundee Precious Metals Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 29 cents per share
Ero Copper Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 16 cents per share
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of $1.33 per share
First Majestic Silver Corp: Expected Q2 loss of 00 per share
Gildan Activewear Inc: Expected Q2 earnings of 72 cents per share
Lightspeed Commerce Inc: Expected Q1 earnings of 6 cents per share
Open Text Corp: Expected Q4 earnings of $1.02 per share
Sandstorm Gold Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 2 cents per share
Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 35 Canadian cents per share
TC Energy Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 91 Canadian cents per share
Thomson Reuters Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 82 cents per share
TransAlta Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 5 Canadian cents per share
Trisura Group Ltd: Expected Q2 earnings of 67 Canadian cents per share
0800 Toromont Industries Ltd: Q2 earnings conference call
0800 WSP Global Inc: Q2 earnings conference call
0830 Fortis Inc: Q2 earnings conference call
0830 New Gold Inc: Q2 earnings conference call
0900 CGI Inc: Q3 earnings conference call
0930 Spin Master Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1000 Lundin Mining Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1000 OceanaGold Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1030 Ivanhoe Mines Ltd: Q2 earnings conference call
1100 Capital Power Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1100 Intact Financial Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1100 Methanex Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
1300 Precision Drilling Corp: Q2 earnings conference call
Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd: Amount C$1.75
Chartwell Retirement Residences: Amount C$0.051
Exchange Income Corp: Amount C$0.22
Freehold Royalties Ltd: Amount C$0.09
Mullen Group Ltd: Amount C$0.06
Northland Power Inc: Amount C$0.1
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp: Amount C$0.11
Sienna Senior Living Inc: Amount C$0.078
Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd: Amount C$0.012
Whitecap Resources Inc: Amount C$0.060
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