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Bank of England cuts rates again, sterling higher

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LONDON, Nov 7 (Reuters) -The Bank of England cut interest rates on Thursday for only the second time since 2020 and said future reductions were likely to be gradual, seeing higher inflation and growth after the new government's first budget.

Its Monetary Policy Committee voted 8-1 to cut rates to 4.75% from 5%, a stronger majority than expectations in a Reuters poll for a 7-2 vote in favour of a cut.

Sterling rose after the decision to $1.2932 from $1.2906 GBP=D3 before the decision and was last trading at 83.22 pence per euro versus 83.36 pence earlier EURGBP=D3.

Britain's gilt yields fell, with rate-sensitive two-year yields at 4.47% GB2YT=RR versus 4.48% just before the decision.

London's blue-chip FTSE stock index was just 0.15% lower on the day .FTSE, while the domestically-focused FTSE 250 index was 0.6% higher .FTMC.



"We expect rate cuts are likely to continue however the central bank will want to take account of the fiscal position following the budget and may adjust their pace accordingly.

"The BoE will also want to consider the impact of the election of a new U.S. President for the domestic economy. The overall picture in the UK is one of slow growth with a slight boost in 2025, but with inflation coming down to the 2% target the BoE has maintained its gradual easing stance."


"Going forward, the Monetary Policy Committee has a tough job balancing the future impact of the UK budget and government’s fiscal policy. Cost increases for companies from higher taxes, national insurance and national minimum wage will likely be at least partially passed on to consumers via price hikes next year. Fiscal stimulus should also have a positive impact on growth allaying any recessionary fears. Therefore, the sensible path continues to be for a gradual and cautious easing process as these affects are slowly realised over time.

"Looking ahead, the implications of the U.S. election and potential for higher global tariffs may offset some of this growth and may also feed into higher inflation as the second order impact of these tariffs take hold across Europe and China, potentially muddying the waters."

Reporting by the Reuters Markets Team; Compiled by Dhara Ranasinghe


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