Georgia county ordered to extend counting of absentee ballots after lawsuit
Recasts story with judge's ruling in paragraphs 1-3
By Jasper Ward
WASHINGTON, Nov 1 (Reuters) -A judge in the U.S. state of Georgia issued an order on Friday extending the deadline for the return and counting of absentee ballots after a county failed to promptly send out some 3,000 mail-in ballots for Tuesday's election that were requested by the deadline, the county said.
Under Georgia state law, eligible voters may request an absentee ballot up to 11 days before any election. Civil rights groups said Cobb County had violated the law and asked a judge to extend the return deadline on the ballots by three days to Nov. 8.
County Judge Robert Flournoy agreed to the request, the county said. The Cobb County Board of Elections will be allowed to count affected ballots received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 8 as long as they are postmarked by 7 p.m. on Nov. 5. The county added that the extension only applies to ballots mailed after Oct. 30.
On Thursday, Cobb County said that absentee ballot requests had surged to an average of 750 per day in the last week, with 985 requests submitted on the Oct. 25 deadline.
"Unfortunately, we were unprepared for the surge in requests and lacked the necessary equipment to process the ballots quickly," Cobb County Board of Elections Chairwoman Tori Silas said.
The election board said it was working with postal and delivery companies to expedite the ballots.
The American Civil Liberties Union had filed the lawsuit alongside its Georgia state chapter and the Southern Poverty Law Center, saying that immediate action was needed to avoid the affected voters being denied their constitutional right to vote.
Georgia is one of seven battleground states in the Nov. 5 election, which opinion polls show to be a tight race between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican former President Donald Trump.
Cobb County is a large and racially diverse area in Atlanta's northern suburbs, and a place where Democrats could pick up votes they need to win the state.
Over 3.8 million people have already cast their ballots in Georgia in early voting, accounting for more than half the state's active voters, according to data from the Georgia secretary of state's website. The tally includes more than 230,000 absentee voters.
Reporting by Jasper Ward; editing by Rami Ayyub and Rosalba O'Brien
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